Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kwik Kut Food Chopper


Mother always used this Kwik Kut Serrated Food Chopper when I was a little girl for chopping strawberries.  She swore by it, saying that berries release a lot more juice when chopped, rather than sliced.  And it's so much faster than slicing, just a few chops and you're finished.  She would put them in her wonderful stainless steel bowl, and make magic.  

Now I have her bowl and one of these choppers, thanks to Cousin Phyllis, who gave me one a few years ago after I mentioned that I wished I still had Mother's.  We have strawberries almost every single night this time of year.  I've fixed them so often, it only takes a few minutes to stem and chop a quart of berries.

You can still buy this great cutter on Amazon , they come in a double pack, a serrated and a solid, and they work so well.  You can use the solid one for chopping soft food, like boiled eggs and it's a great biscuit cutter.

Pair this chopper with that nifty strawberry stemmer that I blogged about last week, and you've got a winner!  Several of you have bought the stemmer and emailed me to tell me how great it is.  Well, this little chopper is a "must have"  as well

You can't go wrong with this, after all, Mother really did know best.  ;o)

Here's the link, you can scoop both of these up on Prime for $12.18


Or, if you prefer, you can just buy the serrated one for $2.35, but it isn't Prime, so you'll have to pay an additional $4.99 shipping.

Here's the link


And if you missed the post about how great this little strawberry stem remover is, here's the link for it.

Now go treat yourself and order these, trust me both of these items are just great.  Pinky swear they are.  ~ Jan



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