Monday, April 8, 2013

Fiskars Pruning Shears


Spring has sprung in Heavensville, so my friend, Trish, and hotfooted it to the most amazing greenhouse yesterday, an wondrous place with one of a kind plants, including a gorgeous black petunia, but anyway, the owner  was using this very pair of Fiskars Titanium Nitride Scissors to groom plants.  She went on and on about how marvelous they are, it's the small blade, let's you get right into the plant and she says to buy this style, as the titanium blade doesn't dull or rust.

And since I always share the good stuff, here you go, my gardening friends, only $14.30 from Amazon Prime, free ship, no tax.  It's a good thing.

Here's the click, enjoy!!!


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