Monday, February 4, 2013

The Carpenters, now that was music!

Yesterday I working on a new header for the blog, happily listening to my favorite Sirius Channel, Escape Radio (thanks John for setting it up on my Mac) and they played The Carpenter’s music all day.  Oh my, talk about a trip down memory lane.

I thought of that later in the evening when I watched Super Bowl Half Time, how wholesome music used to be.  They didn’t need all the special effects, they just sang and they were wonderful.  I am a Beyonce fan, I think she is lovely and has a wonderful voice, but last night just wasn’t pleasant.  Her act was saturated with sex, all she needed was a stripper pole.  All the bump and grind was just awful.  Little children watch this, when her Blue Ivy is older, is that how she wants her to see her mother???

And the Hardee’s commercial was total tv porn!  I just don’t think all of this should be on network television.  And it’s not because I’m old(er), you all know that I’m a pretty liberal thinker except for politics, but it’s just not right!  Our kids shouldn’t be seeing this stuff.


Here’s one of my very favorites from The Carpenters.  Turn up your speakers and just enjoy the experience…


And Karen does a wonderful job with this Beatles song, A Ticket To Ride,  it’s my little Monday gift to all of you.




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