Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More about low carb….


I'm really reluctant to talk about dieting, because I jump on a bandwagon and fail, like most of the rest of the population, and I do it with regularity, just ask my friends.  Let's face it, we all love to eat!    And what do i love the most, carbs, bread, rice, white flour, sugar, pizza, McDonald's Filet-O-Fish, Donut Bank's Maple Glazed Pecan Rolls, any kind of lemon dessert, all things cherry, and did i mention bread? Oh and Cheez-It's, I adore any kind of cracker.

So this post isn't about losing weight, because I'm destined to fail once again, I know myself, I've done this so many times.  I do have a stopping point, though, that the rest of you don't have.  I can only gain so much and my legs get tight, so I  have to cut back.  And that's where I am now.

But anyway, this isn't about losing weight, this is about how I feel.  And, oh,  I feel absolutely marvelous, dahling!  It happens always, when I eat low carb, and then I go back to the pasta and the bread and all the other white stuff and forget how good I felt when I didn't eat carbs.  I was talking to my buddy Ang yesterday, who, because of allergies, has given up all things white, including dairy and lives the low carb lifestyle.  Same thing with her, she feels so much better, and she said that people don't realize what were talking about unless they've done it.

So how do I feel?  Let me explain...

Mental clarity, or as much as I can have in my old(er) age. My mind is clear, my  mood is extremely good, I have a ton more energy, I'm more even emotionally, it's hard to explain, but it's a wonderful thing.  It's hard the first week, detoxing from all things white, sometimes you have flu-like symptoms, headachy, no energy, but once you get past that week it is simply unreal how good you feel.  

I'm sticking to around 30-35 carbs a day, which is much more doable than Atkins 20 carbs, and there are so many websites now that have great recipes, it's not like all you eat is bacon eggs and butter like in the old days.  But I'm not trying to talk anyone into doing this, I'm on here just telling you how I feel, like I always do.

So that's what's working for me today.  Will I continue this, of course not, I never have stayed with it in the past, and I don't have any aspirations that I will do so in the future.  And even if I do lose weight, I'm old now,  and older people that lose very much weight look gawdawful.  It's much better to have a little meat on our bones at this age than to be skinny and stringy.  But my legs are fitting better, and the sun is shining again today, so life is pretty darn good.  


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