Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dolly Parton and Alison Kraus

My daughters-in-law are huge fans of these women.  Deanna loves Dolly Parton with a passion, and Lindsay is a huge fan of Alison Kraus.  In fact, it was Lindsay who made me a fan of Alison Kraus.  She introduced me to her album with Robert Plant, Raising Sand, a few years ago and it has been a favorite ever since.  And Dolly, I’ve loved her all these years, and was lucky enough to see her a just few feet away from me on a float in Sevierville, Tn. during a parade for DollyWood.  Oh was she tiny,  she was positively mesmerizing.

And Kenny Rogers, oh my, I was such a fan back in the day.  I loved the look of the man, thought his music was the best, ever.  Hubby took me to a concert of his in the 80’s, and it was wonderful.  And then he had all that bad publicity with that 800 sex tape, got that awful eye job that made him look Asian, and I’m not so much a fan of him now.  I say that until I listen to his music, and am transported back to another time, and I forget all the bad stuff and just enjoy the songs.

So let’s enjoy a little music on a Saturday night, here’s a video I found of Alison Kraus and Dolly.

This one’s for you sweet daughters-in-law.  It’s so good…


And we might as well take a little trip down memory lane, this is my favorite Dolly and Kenny duet, Islands in the Stream.  Was there ever anything better than this?   Not for me, this was it!  


And here is one of our favorites from Raising Sand, Gone, Gone, Done Moved On…


An here is a recent interview with Kenny on CBS This Morning.  It’s very insightful. he’s surprisingly candid…


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