Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I haven’t had a crazy idea in a long time….

Well, that’s debatable, but back in the day I was always trying some kind of hare-brained project, that often resulted in less than stellar results, and most assuredly involved poor long suffering hubby engineering my schemes.

But I’m older now, I just don’t have the determination I once did.  Oh, I still find “things” I would like to do, but usually forget about them in less than five minutes because my brain cells are dying off faster than Superman’s speeding bullet.  And then along came Pinterest, which I and a lot of my friends, enjoy more than anything we’ve found online in ages.  There are all kinds of “ideas” to pin, and because it’s visual, it triggers my aging brain into remembering.  A good thing you would think, well, not always, because once again the wheels are turning and I have all kinds of “things” on my to-do list.  At the top of that list is a little project which involves Christmas and family, and it’s a great one, but since my sweet daughters-in-law read this blog, I can’t talk about it.  I can, however, clue any of you as to what I’m doing, it’s just really fascinating, inexpensive and will make a great gift, so if you’re interested in knowing what it is, just email me.

Now on to my next project. It’s Salad in a Jar.  I try to eat salad several times a week, especially now, because I’m just getting over the gawdawful flu/sinus/ear infection that has plagued me for the past three weeks, which resulted in my lying around with hubby spoon feeding me boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese, my comfort food of choice when I don’t feel well.  Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people who doesn’t eat when they’re sick, oh no, yours truly stuffs it in like it’s the last supper.  And since I’ve lived in Yoga pants for weeks now, putting on my jeans and zipping them is taking herculean effort, the muffin top goes all the way to my chin, and once again, I’m on the salad bandwagon.  It’s either that or start ordering up those Pajama Jeans that were all over the infomercials last year.

But, I’m also lazy.  I know it’s no big deal to make a salad, but sometimes I just don’t want to chop all those veggies, cut the lettuce, day after day after day,  you know what I mean.  Precutting results in brown edges, and limp lettuce, so that isn’t an option either.

But this is where my latest idea comes in, thanks to a great blog I found via Pinterest, called Salad in a Jar.  You do need a couple of things to make this work, wide mouth Ball canning jars and a FoodSaver attachment.  I’ve long been a fan of FoodSavers, my whole family uses this amazing gadget to vacuum pack meat for the freezer.  I found this YouTube video on how to vacuum seal jars if you’re interested.  She starts showing how to use it 3:30 minutes into the video.  There is another video, this one is a whole 8 part series about food storage, you can find it here.


I’m going to link you to the original article on how to do this, because after all it’s not my idea and I can’t take credit for it, but in a nutshell here’s what you do.

You take several quart size, at least for me because I like big salads, wide mouth jars, but you could do this with pints as well, put in your salad greens, vacuum seal them, and put them in your refrigerator.  Because the vacuum seal sucks the oxygen out of the jar, the salads stay fresh all week without turning brown and wilting.  All you have to do is grab one, add protein, put dressing in the jar, shake it, pour it on a plate and you’re good to go….

Ingenious huh? I’m going to try doing this today.  I’ll update you on the results.

Here’s the link to the blog entry, in fact the entire website is pretty amazing, I’m so in awe of people’s talent…

Hope you’re all having a great week.  ~ jan


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