Monday, October 31, 2011

I wish Halloween was the way it used to be…

hThe Halloween’s of my childhood were so different than today.  We were hobo’s and pirates, outfits put together from whatever we had on hand.  We dressed up in Mother’s clothes, her pearls, her high heels, and a little hat with a veil and white gloves and we walked familiar neighborhoods where people knew us, and they actually “guessed” who we were.

We wore half masks, with a tablecloth thrown over our shoulders and we were transformed into Zorro.  We paid $.79 for a gauze mask at the drugstore that smelled awful when you put it on your face, but we were thrilled when we looked in the mirror and saw a princess or a devil looking back at us by just by using our imagination and that inexpensive little mask.

People made popcorn balls, wrapped them in cellophane and gave them to us for treats.  And we got big red shiny apples, and it was simple, and it was magic…

Those really were the days, my friends…


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