Thursday, November 3, 2011

About that food storage YouTube link yesterday…

I hadn’t watched it before I posted it, but it was a Morman lady taking food storage to the extreme with solar ovens and 1-3 years worth of food stockpiled.  I admit, I was fascinated, and sat and watched all 8 or 9 videos.

I was intrigued by her pressure cooking meat, that took me back to my childhood as mother, grandma and the aunts always canned meat, quart jars filled with chicken, jars of sausage and my favorite, pork tenderloin in gravy. 

Mother canned so many vegetables, fruit, pickles and relishes, and an email this morning from my friend, Carlene about sauerkraut made me think of the fall when she always shredded cabbage, let it ferment in big crocks in the kitchen and canned it for the winter.  I loved it, cold from the fridge, it tasted nothing like the kraut you buy in the bag at the grocery store today. 

I still have her old recipes, her sweet pickles that took fourteen days to make, her wonderful garlicky dill pickles, zucchini relish, Aunt Mae’s Pear Honey that I need to post on Jan CAN Cook, to name a few, and it makes me sad that I never make any of her wonderful food. Maybe I should pick just one thing and make it, just to see if it tastes as good as I remember.

I’ve already given John and Deanna the heads up about my birthday dinner this year, as we will be with them in a cabin at Gatlinburg.  I want something I haven’t had since I was a child, and I’m sure nobody will like it but me.  It’s a strange combo, but oh how I loved it.

Mother always made it in an electric skillet, she would brown hamburger, onion and green peppers, drain off the grease, then stir in a quart of her canned tomatoes, breaking up the tomatoes with a fork, then she would add dried spaghetti and simmer it until the spaghetti was tender.  The starch from the spaghetti would thicken the sauce and it was just yummy!  Then, and this is the best part, she would make mashed potatoes, put them in the middle of the plate and puddle that spaghetti over the top.  Oh my, it was soooo good, no wonder I wasn’t a skinny little kid!  It was totally unlike the spaghetti we have today, no italian seasoning, not even garlic, just onion and green peppers. 

Will it taste as good as I remember? I can just see all of you thinking, ewwwwwww, I don’t know about this.  Hubby is already going “yuck” but he’s just gonna have to deal with it along with the rest of the family, while I take my walk down memory lane. In our family you get anything you want for your birthday with no questions asked!  I’m still working on dessert, haven’t quite figured that out yet.

Heaven knows I’ve had many years of strange combination of birthday foods from the boys growing up so I doubt they will give me a hard time about this…

Besides, what goes around comes around.  Works for me! Winking smile


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