Friday, January 7, 2011

Laputa–the best phone app, EVER!

I upgraded recently from a Droid to a Droid X, thanks to Jean, who told me about a rockin’ deal, and I found this book reader app called Laputa.  It’s absolutely fantastic, and I’m able to download a lot of current books from one of their third party links.  I’ve been reading Laura Bush’s biography, what a fascinating woman she is.

So if there are any smartphone users reading this, check into Laputa.  It doesn’t work for iPhone, but it does work on Android based systems, and Blackberry. It’s absolutely amazing.  You can set font size, font type, the pages turn like a book, the pages bookmark, and you always have an instant read with you wherever you go.  If you download this and can’t figure out how to get the current books, just email me and I’ll show you how to do it.

There are two versions of Laputa, the free version and the Pro version that costs $3.99.  You need the pro version so that you can add all the books to your bookshelf. Trust me it’s $3.99 well spent, you will love this!

And for the skeptics who think a phone is too small to read a book on, you’re wrong.  I was skeptical, too, but it works amazingly well.

You can read all about it here>>>


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