Monday, January 3, 2011

I’m back….



The holidays seemed to have gone by in a blur.  We were in Nashville with John and Deanna for nine days, then off to Lexington for the New Years with Ryan, Lindsay and Abby, it was such a good time.

Cuppycake was really into opening her presents.  Lindsay would start the tear and she would rip into them, so excited to see what was inside.  It’s just amazing how much these little ones grow in a year.  She got a little car to ride, and she sits on it and honks the horn and watches her cartoons, of course it’s just the cutest thing ev-er.

Lambchop was a hit.  If you need a cute gift, look for it on Amazon, the quality was great, and it talks and is just precious.

We had awesome food, I posted a recipe on Jan Can Cook for Spaghetti with Browned Butter and Mizithra Cheese, which is just the best thing you ever put in your mouth, pinkie swear it is!

We went to a cupcake shop, where I ate the most wonderful concoction of dark chocolate cupcake, caramel buttercream, topped off with a chocolate glaze and salt.  I’m looking for a similar recipe for that to post for you all.

I’m ready for January, and doing nothing, I’m sure most of you are, as well.  Life is good this sunny cold Monday of the New Year.  I’ll be around more, now that I have time.

~ jan


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