Thursday, January 6, 2011

January favorites…

You all know how fond I am of original scent Jergen’s lotion, love that cherry almond smell.  But when we were at John and Deanna’s for Christmas she had Jergen’s Ultra Healing Dry Skin Moisturizer, and I have to admit, it really moisturizes better than any lotion I’ve ever used, and I’ve tried a lot of brands in the past.  So, for the winter months, I’m giving up my cherry scent for softer hands.  Still have those pots of Carmex sitting all around the house, though. ;o)

I bought the Cuisinart Brew Central that I blogged about a few entries ago.  It’s simply wonderful, just like people told me it was.  And my coffee flavor of choice right now is Gloria Jean’s Butter Toffee.  It’s wonderful on these cold January days.

And since January is all about soup, I haven’t made this yet, but I’m going to duplicate it later this week and it just might become a favorite.  Hubby and I went out to lunch yesterday and I had ham and bean soup.  When I make mine, I always put tomatoes in it, this one didn’t have them, and I think it will be easy to recreate.  It’s great northern beans cooked in chicken broth, finely diced celery, onion and carrots and finely diced ham.  It was “soupy” but thick, and I’m thinking that they must have used an immersion blender to puree part of the cooked beans to give it the thickness, and then they added a bit of cream of milk to finish it. 

Hmmm, that was a pretty short list wasn’t it?   But, oh, I forgot the fireplace remote control that dh got me for Christmas.  It is the ultimate in laziness.  Now I can sit in my chair, with the M&M’s snuggled in beside me, and read without having to get up and turn of the darned fireplace when it gets too warm in the room.  And no, I don’t wear one of those gawdawful snuggie things, and the dogs don’t wear them either.  Puh-leez, just shoot me now if I ever go there!


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