Monday, October 4, 2010

Harry Loves Lisa, is anybody else going to watch this???

Any of you remember Tuckerville with Tanya Tucker?  Oh, I loved every cheesy, redneck moment of it.  Then along came It's Complicated, Denise Richard's totally awful reality show.  Loved that one, too.  And my favorite of all was the short lived chasing Farrah, but c'mon, who wouldn't be fascinated by a glimpse into Farrah Fawcett's personal life. It was worth watching just to see her house and her clothes.

Now along comes Harry Loves Lisa, looks like another really bad one that I can't wait to see!

I don't even like reality shows, but I do enjoy glimpses into star's trashy lives.  I know, I know, I have no taste, none, nada.  But I do have a few friends, who shall remain nameless, that enjoys these shows as much as I do.  Bad girls, bad girls.........


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