Sunday, October 3, 2010

Enchanted April, it was just a superb movie….

Like a lot of you, and I love Netflix.  For $8.99 a month we have instant access to thousands of movies, we use that feature more than ordering the DVD’s.  When you consider that movie tickets in Heavensville are $9 on the weekend, no senior citizen discount, grrrrr,  by the time you go to the movie, buy drinks and a popcorn to share, you’ve spent $30.  That’s just crazy!  $30 to see a movie!!!  Unless it’s a must-see, I would rather just wait til’ it comes out on DVD and get it from Netflix.  Hooterville taught me a good trick, as soon as a movie you think you might like is in preproduction, go ahead and add it to the top of your Netflix Queue, that way when it’s released to DVD, you will be one of the first to get it and not have to be on a waiting list. 

We had problems last year when we first started watching instant Netflix movies, they were choppy, the movies would start and stop, but then we discovered Roku.  If you’re unfamiliar with Roku, it’s a box that you attach to your television like a DVD player, it’s easy to set up, you don’t have to hook your computer to your television anymore, and you have totally seamless, smooth running movies.  And the good news is that the prices are down.  You can now buy a HD Roku box for $59.99.  At the bottom of Roku’s website there is a link for a $20 off coupon for new Netflix customers. Wow, that’s really cheap, $39, we paid $100 for ours.  But it’s money well spent, a one time hit, and you can watch all your movies without annoying choppy, uneven streaming.  You can also get a free month’s subscription to Netflix from their website.  A great deal if you haven’t tried Netflix before. 

You might not even need a Roku box, maybe your ISP streams smoother than ours, or if you have a WI or Playstation you can also stream your movies through them.

enchanted_aprilYesterday was a cool, cloudy day.  I was restless, decided to settle in with the dogs and watch a movie.  I was in the mood for something “different” and oh wow, did I hit pay dirt.  I watched Enchanted April, an English film, about women vacationing at a castle in Italy.  The acting was superb, the scenery was absolutely breathtaking, the gardens were gorgeous,  it was totally wonderful. 

I thought of Deanna when I watched it, she and John were in Italy this summer and she loved the gardens, she said the geraniums were huge, so large they didn’t look real.  They were the same in this movie, lush, gorgeous geraniums, beautiful vegetation, it was a treat just to see the countryside.

Those ladies did what we all should do on vacation, talk, eat, laugh, lie in the sun and rest.  This is a good one, ladies, not your usual samo-samo, so be open to going outside your box, you might enjoy it, too.

Here’s a link to the trailer and what IMBD has to say about it -

“This slow-paced gem is about the civilizing influence of Italy on beleaguered Londoners both male and female and has it's own civilizing influence on the viewer. It's almost like taking a little mini-trip to Italy, a gorgeously filmed enchantment.”


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