Thursday, July 29, 2010

More about being a Grammie….


I’ve missed Abby so much this week.  She is so much fun, and such a good little kid.  Having her last weekend not only gave me a chance to have time with her by myself, but to appreciate what a good job her parents are doing.

I try not to bore all of you too much by being a gushy grammie, but oh, I could just go on and on.  Nine months is such a cute age, she puffs out her little chest and crows like a rooster.  She squeals and babbles and drools and lowers her head for you to kiss it.  She gets up on all fours and tries to do the bear walk on her tippie toes.  She chews on her feet, and reaches for you and inhales her food faster than you can spoon it in her mouth.  She crawls across the floor, and sometimes she gets on all fours, and hops like a little frog.

The dogs hover, but don’t touch, but those days may be numbered.  She’s after them, she just can’t get to them yet.  She walked herself the length of the couch trying to get to Maggie. Mags was egging her on, with her little tail wagging, she wanted to play with her, and ended up pouted on the couch all weekend because I wouldn’t let her.  Mollie tried her best to sniff her and sit on the quilt with her, but I wouldn’t let her do that, either.  It’s only because Abby was allergic to them when she was an infant, but now the allergies seems to have passed, she didn’t have any reaction to them at all.  But she did to study them intently, no doubt trying to figure out how to get her hands on them.

I opened up the fridge after they left, there sat her YoBaby Yogurt and her Organic baby food.  I haven’t thrown it out yet, it makes me happy just seeing it.

So many of you are probably smiling right now, you’ve been though this already, while it took me longer than a lot of you to be a Grammie, but it’s a wonderful thing.  My friends asked if I was exhausted and ready for her to leave.  Not at all, I wasn’t that tired and I was sad to see her go.  But she’ll be back, or we’ll go there.  Hubby is retiring in the fall, so we will have more free time to visit.  I feel so lucky that they only live three hours from us.

But I won’t bore you with this, I won’t go on and on about how adorable  she is anymore.  Well, I guess I already did, didn’t I.  *blush* Can’t help it, she’s just so darned cute!


  1. I once left a baby hand print on my sliding door for over a year!!!! Knowing I would never see that size there again. We are a sappy lot - us grammies -- but we are all reliving those sweet moments with you!!!


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