Thursday, July 29, 2010

I had a senior moment…

I needed applesauce, so off I go to the grocery store last night.  I just took my time, browsed the aisles, was gone so long hubby called to see if I was okay.

“I’m fine, I told him, just shopping, be home in a bit.”

So I checked out, came home with $30 worth of impulse buys, put it away, sit down to talk to him and realize I forgot the applesauce!

I FORGOT THE APPLESAUCE!!!  That was the only reason I went in the first place!

It’s just hopeless, I can’t remember anything these days.  So I have to go back today and pick up a jar.  Or  I just peel the shriveling apples in the crisper drawer that I forgot I had and make my own.

Now that’s a thought…


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