Friday, July 30, 2010

Crystal Light Natural Immunity Cherry Pomegranate


I’ve been telling everyone how good this Cherry Pomegranate drink is from Crystal Light.  I make it with half the water, so the flavor is really intense, however, the color is really intense, also.

I was out with LC on Milly last night, we were talking to the neighbors, I look at him and do a double take, holy crap, he has a Kool-Aid smile!!! Geezy Pete, I never thought about that!  I asked him if I had one, too, and of course I did!

Law-dee, two old people on golf carts with smiley stains on their mouths.  Our neighbors must have thought we were nuts!  Why didn’t somebody say something?

Cause they were too busy laughing to themselves, that’s why!!!!! 

So this morning I’m drinking it through a straw.  Smart idea huh, well, not really!  I only have one straw, yes, one straw, I’ve had it for a whole year now. It’s a jumbo straw, I had a smoothie at Panera last summer and that’s where it came from.  And no, I’m not a hoarder, I never save anything, but this thing is great for smoothies.

Oh, this sound so stupid, saving a straw for a year!  But I don’t know where to find really big straws.  Note to self:  try to find a package of them this weekend. 

So anyway, I took a big drink with that huge straw and that damn stuff is so strong that I got really choked!  So now here I sit, trying to recover from that little episode.

Oh joy, just another day in paradise…


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