Sunday, June 6, 2010

Rediscovering soap…


These soaps bring back so many memories for me.  Mother’s sister, Mae, always had Dial soap in her bathroom, attached to her sink with one of those little rubber grippers.  I don’t know if I was more fascinated with the soap or the gripper. To this day I always think of her when I smell gold Dial soap. 

My Grandma Short always had Dove soap in her kitchen.   I remember distinctly how much I disliked the smell as a child, but now I love it.

I’ve blogged about Safeguard before, and how I remember when it first came on the market.  Egads, that was a long time ago.  Oh, the smell of it, one sniff and I’m right back to being a teenager again.  Well, not exactly, but you know what I mean.

Irish Spring reminds me of my twenties.  I loved that fresh, clean scent, it was the soap of choice in the 70’s for me.

In this day of body washes, soap, at least in our household, seems to have fallen by the wayside.  I picked up a couple of bars the other day, Dial and Irish Spring, just for old time’s sake.  Maybe you should, too.  I bet it would trigger a lot of memories for you, also.


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