Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jennifer Aniston ate a Cobb Salad every day for 10 years…

IMG_7546 I just read  this week, that on the set of Friends, she, Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox would eat a healthy version of Cobb Salad every single day.

So today I made this version of one.  It was good, but no way I could eat it every day for a month, let alone ten years.  I could eat it every day for the rest of my life and still would bear no resemblance to Jennifer Aniston.

Holy Crap, I just realized that in ten years I’ll be seventy years old.  SEVENTY YEARS OLD!!!!!!  I might as well just hustle on over to the Dairy Queen for a Buster Bar, Blizzard or a Chocolate Dipped Cone every  single day for the next ten years and be done with it.  That makes a lot more sense. 
Don’t you just love the working of the the mature mind??? Wink


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