Thursday, June 10, 2010

Let’s get serious for a moment….

I’ve read the reports today about Shawn King’s apparent suicide attempt, and I feel really sorry for the lady.  Despite fame, talent, money, and beauty, she bleeds like everyone else.  I think sometimes we tend to think that celebrities lead a charmed life, but they don’t.

If, what we read is true, and she has been despondent for several years because of her husband’s alleged affair with her sister, what an awful price she is paying.  She has her own transgressions, but regardless, no man is worth ending your life over.  She has young boys to raise, how sad that this illness is depriving them of their mother.

I read recently that suicide is a permanent fix to a temporary problem.  Everything passes with time, I hope she gets the help she so desperately needs, it’s so sad.

Here she is with Willy Nelson, this is one of my very favorite videos, I love it at the end when she kisses him on the forehead…



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