Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rules for Thanksgiving….

A bit of what we do year, after year, after year, after year…

Rule #1:  We always buy at least an 18 pound turkey,  some years it’s even been an  20-22 lb. one.  We don’t even like turkey all that much, but we always buy a big bird. Turkey soup is a must the weekend following Thanksgiving.

Rule #2: Always check the carcass for the paper packet with the neck, liver and gizzard inside.  Yes, I baked the damn things in the turkey one year, and nobody has ever forgotten!

Rule #3: A double batch of broccoli casserole,  just for Ryan.  We all complain about being tired of it, because we’ve had it so many times,  but do we eat it?  You’re darn tootin’ we do!  Ry can always be found in the kitchen after dinner shoveling copious amounts of the stuff in his mouth with a serving spoon.

Rule #4:  Don’t burn the sweet potatoes.  They have to be watched carefully, very, very carefully, and guess who’s job that is these days.  Oh joy.

Rule #5:  Some sort of cranberry concoction is the rule of the day.  Ryan swears that no man ever liked cranberries, and I do believe he may be on to something, but the girls love them, it was Deanna’s specific request this year.   Lindsay’s family recipe  is the best,  it’s awesome!

Rule #6:  Never, ever even suggest using Pillsbury Already Piecrust for the pies.  Don’t even go there.  I’m so lucky that Lindsay makes the world’s best piecrust.  This year, I’ll hold Cuppycake while her mommy rolls the dough. :~)

Rule #7:  When putting the pumpkin pie in the oven, look straight ahead, never look at the pie, if you look at the pie you tilt it and it dumps on the oven floor.  Isn’t that right, John?

Rule #8: Turnips for LC are a  must have.  The man adores turnips, the rest of the family not so much, but we always have them for him. 

Rule #9:  Regardless of what yeast roll recipe we use, we  always think that we can do better next year, so every year we try a new one, and we’re never satisfied.  John and I always make the rolls together, it’s what we do…

Rule #10:  Always, always after Thanksgiving dinner, both of my sons will be found lying on the floor, stretched out to their full 6’+ length, writhing and moaning in agony because they ate too much. And do we feel sorry for them, not!  And yes, I have pictures to prove it.

Rule #11: Always be thankful for another year together, especially this year with the birth of our little Abby.  Reminisce about years gone by and the people and pets we loved who are no longer with us.  Families are a wonderful thing, and the older I get, the more I appreciate how lucky I am to have this wonderful cast of colorful characters that are my family…


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