Thursday, November 19, 2009

Farewell, old friend….

IMG_2251crJohn had to say goodbye to his best friend, yesterday.  He had Oreo for  fifteen years, and she was a sight to behold to the very end. 

You’ve never seen a feistier, prettier dog than his little Oreo.  She was a wild child, tearing around the house, playing in the yard, and in her last years, doing her perimeter check in the back yard hourly, as John had installed a doggie door to his fenced yard, and she was totally enthralled with the freedom it gave her to go in and out at her will. When people came to visit, especially little children, she was absolutely estatic.  She loved people, and was irresistible to everyone, she was quite the charmer…

He built a fishpond in his backyard just last year, and she supervised every rock that was put into place.  Then she would stand on the rocks, drinking from the pond, watching the fish, and more than once falling in.  Nothing deterred her, nothing, she was totally fearless.

John got “O” when he was in graduate school.  He had just moved to Lafayette, didn’t know anybody and decided he needed a dog. She was just this little bundle of puppy fur, and oh was she a cutie.   He would come home to visit, buckling her in a seatbelt, she would ride the entire trip, three hours, buckled in beside him.

They traveled a lot of miles together in the last fifteen years, and were quite a team.  He was a great doggy dad to her, loved her dearly, and spoiled her daily.  It was more difficult than words can say to have to say goodbye to this dog, but she’s soaring with the angels now.

Godspeed, sweet girl, we will miss you greatly, but you will always live on forever in our hearts…


  1. So sad to see a furry friend pass on---bless her.


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