Sunday, November 15, 2009

Geezy Pete, what a mess…

This new Droid phone is going to be the death of me yet, I swear it is!  Earlier this week I was complaining about misdialing people constantly.  Well that was nothing compared to tonight.

I had been reading online about voice to text, an app you download, then all you do is talk into the phone and it converts it to text and then you send it to whatever contact you want.  Sounds pretty cool, huh, no typing, just talking.  WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!

First of all, when I tried to download the app earlier in the week, it wouldn’t work.  So I emailed the guy who wrote the program, he said he was still “tweaking” it for the Droid and that he would email me when it became available.

Well tonight was the night, I got the email, I coughed up my $.99 for it.  Yes, just a measly dollar, this stuff is cheap…

And I started talking into my phone.  OMG, you wouldn’t believe all the stuff that came up.  It wasn’t recognizing  my voice at all, and was making up crazy phrases.  But I was sending stuff out anyway, to Ang and to Hooterville, and to the kids, and all of a sudden I got this “No Comprende” text from my cousin. 

When I checked my messages, I discovered that I had sent her eighteen messages.  Everything I was sending to people wasn’t going to them at all, it was going to her!!!!

Holy Schmoly, when I reread what I sent, it sounded absolutely STUPID.  It made no sense at all, she must have wondered what was going on.  So I have now sent her numerous email messages explaining what I did in an effort to not look like a complete dodo.

And the guy that wrote the program? He now tells me he is having issues with the Droid, he doesn’t actually have that phone himself, so it’s tricky.

Tricky?  TRICKY? You got that right, dude!  Oh, what a mess, what a mess!!!


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