Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sometimes, dogs can be just like little kids….

I was chatting with Hooterville on IM while ago, commenting on how idyllic it was at my house.  Jazz was playing, the dogs each had a chewie, Molly was lying beside me on her pillow gnawing on hers, Maggie was stretched out in the living room chewing on hers.  It was so peaceful, almost blissful, actually. 

Well, that went to hell in a handbag.  Maggie buried her chewie somewhere, probably in our bed, she does that often, always on LC’s side, too, and then she wanted Mollies chewie.  Well, no way, Mollie was giving hers up, she just turned her butt toward Mags and kept on chewing.  So Maggie started whining.

She cried and she cried, I ignored her, trying to return to my state of bliss, but oh no,that wasnt going to happen,  then she started barking, loudly.  I wasn’t going to punish Mollie because Mags was being a little bully.  I tried sitting her in my lap, that didn’t work, she was still barking, I looked for her chewie, she really hid it well this time, I couldn’t find it, and I wasn’t going to give her another one.

There was no reasoning with her, Mollie, meanwhile was still chewing.  I would have put her in the timeout corner if I could, I swear I would.

I finally gave her a piece of cheese, that seemed to soothe the little savage beast, for awhile anyway.  Maybe hubby will have better luck with her than I did, she’s now sitting on his lap, pouting no doubt.  And Mollie, she’s still chewing, she’s gonna get lockjaw if she keeps this up.  Slow and steady, that’s our Mollie girl, not a lot phases her.

Meanwhile, the little wild child was being really naughty.

Yep, just like a couple of kids…


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