Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Something you may not want to try….

In a misguided attempt to rid myself of the mother of all sinus headaches, I not only swallowed a Sudafed and two Excedrin, simultaneously, but also consumed multiple cups of coffee, three glasses of iced tea,  a caffeinated Diet Coke and a Monster Energy Drink.

I can now say that I have not been this edgy since beginnning my last menstrual cycle which was more years ago than any of us care to remember.

Lord have mercy, whatever was I thinking?  I’m about to jump out of my ever lovin’ skin….


  1. I'm giggling so hard right now! I remember once when I was at the gym,on my way out, they had some new "thermogenic" drinks and I drank one....I think it had guarana, caffeine AND probably ephedrine in it...I was on my way home to lie out in the sun, but you can imagine how that worked out! I felt like a bb in a boxcar! I had one at work one day sitting on the desk in the nurses station and one of the cardiologists (a gym buddy of mine too)picked it up, looked at the ingredients and said "Seana! You shouldn't be drinking this!".....


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