Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are you bored, do you need a good book to read???

I’ve known about this for sometime, now.  It’s the mother of all free e-book sources.  You name it, they’ve got it, and you can download it all, for free.  I don’t know how they do it, I’m just telling you about it, so don’t get your panties in a wad thinking this is illegal.  It’s been around forever, and is really popular.  There is a ton of stuff on here, for instance, go here and you can download 84 Nora Roberts novels.  No, that’s not a typo, there are 84 of her novels on here.  It may take you a bit to get the hang of downloading all these rapidshare files, but it works, trust me….  Tons of Stephen King, all of Agatha Christie, The Twilight Series, Nicholas Sparks, Linda Howard (35 novels), Harry Potter, Elizabeth Lowell (35 novels), John Grisham (16 novels)  to name a few, they are all on here, and they’re all free.

Here’s the link to Freebookspot, all the different areas are in the right sidebar, lots and lots of tutorials, but head down to the fiction area, and start looking.  You won’t believe what’s available. Don’t click on the Fiction ebook at the top of the page, that’s an ad, it’s in the right sidebar.  Here’s the quick click.

Irex Technologies' first eReader to be sold in the US.Jean sent me a link today for a new wireless ereader.  They are really becoming popular now,  and this one looks pretty good.  I still love my Sony reader, but I’m just chomping at the bit for Apple to debut their new Mac Tablet.  It’s a mini computer and a bookreader, and it has color!  All of the readers so far are greytones, and you have to be careful which ones you buy, you want to make sure they’re .pdf compatible and work with your local library downloads.  It’s not a bad idea to check with your library to see which ones are compatible before you plunk down major money.  I never buy books for mine, I’ve downloaded a ton from the library.

I still love my Sony reader, with all of those Nora Roberts novels loaded on it, most of which I have read, by the way, but hey, a girl’s gotta dream.

You can read all about this new Irex reader, here.

If this interests you, you will need to download Adobe Digital to read these books on your computer.  It’s a freebie download.  Yeah, I know you want to the link to that, also.  Here it is…

~ jan


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