Sunday, February 15, 2009

My most memorable Valentines Day….

Surrprisingly, it’s not the years I got  flowers, candy or dinner reservations in favorite restaurants.  It’s not breakfast in bed, or cuddling by the fire, nor is it going to a special movie or getting a sentimental card…

No, my most memorable Valentine’s Day was in the mid 80’s when hubby bought me a sweat suit.

A sweat suit!!!!!  OMG, I was so upset.  You have no idea!  As I look back, my reaction was totally wrong, he tried, but boy did he not get it right that year!   I must have been hormonal, because I remember giving him a really hard time.  Shame on me…

I did get flowers yesterday, that was a nice surprise after almost thirty-eight years. 

Ya know, I wouldn’t mind a sweat suit so much now, but I can guarantee he would never get me one, he still talks about the year of the Big Oops.  Ain’t love grand…


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