Monday, February 16, 2009

My favorite things…

As I put together the slide show you are looking at, I realized that my favorite things are “things” I’ve had for years. 

I’m not the type of person that changes my house.  I’m not constantly rearranging or replacing things.  A lot of what I have has been around for a long time.  I don’t get tired of “things,” I keep them and enjoy them even more with each passing year.

The rag doll that Mother and I made with the cinnamon stick hair is nesting against  a needlepoint pillow Veronica that gave me.  The blue dishes you glimpse at in the rooster picture are dishes that a friend of Mother’s gave to me years ago.  I have a lot of blue willow dishes that I almost got rid of in the 90’s,  but I didn’t, and now I’m so glad that I kept them.  But these dishes, with their scalloped edges, are even prettier than the blue willow, I think. 

I typed on Daddy’s typewriter as a little girl, it’s in my living room now, and I often touch it as I pass by.  There are a lot of good memories associated with this old typewriter, it’s one of my very favorites.

When hubby and I were first married we attended a ceramics class.  Ceramics were a big thing in the 70’s, but we only took the one class.  I painted an ugly mushroom canister set, but LC, who was always really artistic, painted this little bugle boy.  He is the sweetest thing, and sweeter even still since I sat on him in the car on the way home from the ceramics studio and broke his bugle.  Hubby glued him together, and we’ve always laughed about it.  When things aren’t perfect it sometimes makes them more memorable.

And the picture that resides above my fireplace is from my teenage years.  I always kept it, usually stored in an attic at various homes we’ve lived in, but when we moved here I tried putting it above the fireplace, and that’s where it has stayed.  After all these years I found the perfect spot for it.

Jean took several pictures of my favorite things when she was here last week.  I’ll rotate this slide show in the coming days and post more of my favorites.  I have a houseful of them.  I’m sure all of you do as well…


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