Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I’m looking for a really great lemon dessert…

Spring is coming, and nothing says spring like lemon desserts.  Lindsay and I are both wild about anything lemon, and our goal this year is to find two “knock your socks off” lemon desserts…  You know, the kind that make you want to lick your plate and groan…

Carlene gave me some great ideas earlier today, lemon flan and lemon egg custard were a couple of her suggestions.

If any of you are lemonaholics like we are, and you have an absolutely great recipe, please, please, send it along to me.

I’ve made Ann Lander’s Lemon Pie for years now.  It’s just awesome,  and I scrapped a recipe for it last year.  If you’re interested, you can access it here.

Oops, I just realized I haven’t put my email addy back up since my webpage remodel, but if you don’t have it, email me at munchiebusiness@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance for anything you can give me.

~ jan


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