Saturday, November 8, 2008

The times, they are a changin’

This Election Season marks the beginnings of a new era in this country.

We elected an African-American president.

And in the tiny city of Silverton, Oregan, voters pulled off what California could not: looked past differences to see the person underneath and treat him without discrimination.

Stu Rasmussen has become one of the first openly transgender mayors in the United States.

Rasmussen has served 2 terms as Mayor of Silverton, but it was only this time around that he campaigned in a skirt and heels.

Rasmussen identifies as a heterosexual male, and his girlfriend is happy for his landslide win. He has always been transgender, but "came out" only a couple of years ago. He jokingly says that his bosom was the result of a mid-life crisis, "Some guys' mid-life crisis is motorcycles or sports cars or climbing mountains or trophy wives or whatever. I always wanted cleavage, so I went out and acquired some."


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