Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where are you all coming from????

My statistics for the viewship of my blog are up sharply. I'm getting a lot of hits from AOL, the entry page being The Boogie Woogie Done Right.

I'm glad to see all the new people, would some of you send me an email and tell me how you found me? My site must have been posted somewhere to get this sudden huge influx of people. Site owners are always fascinated by who actually reads their blogs.

Those of you who are new, I'm sure figured out pretty quickly that I'm a crazy woman. Most of the time I have a sense of humor about everything, including myself! I've been off my game a bit lately, worrying about Maggie and her surgery. But that's behind us now...

Laissez les bons temps rouler (let the good times roll).

~ jan


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