Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My favorite line in SATC movie........

Okay guys, if you know me personally, you know my only claim to fame is that I'm a wham bam, world class typist, I rock in the typing department, ladies, I really do . Soooooooo...

Yesterday, when V and I were at Sex and The City, Carrie was interviewing prospective assistants, and she was interviewing this girl at Starbucks, and the girl was slightly tipsy, sloshing her drink around. Carrie looks at her and says, "Are you drunk?" And she replies, "A lil' bit, I didn't go home last night, but I can type like a Mother F*cker." Naturally, I was just howling with laughter, cause I can totally relate to the typing.

I would love to put that on my little It's Me, Jan Blurb. Can't you just picture it???

Claim to Fame: I type like a Mother F*cker

Nah, my blog is PG rated, can't do that, but I would like to!!!! It's that little devil that sits on my shoulder sometimes. Grinning Devil

I'm perkier tonight. Can ya tell? Miss Maggie is totally stoned, she's feelin' no pain. She's just laying on hubby's lap staring with her little tongue hanging out. I'm going to give her another round of the pain meds in a bit, hopefully she will sleep all night.... I keep humming this in my mind...

Well they’ll stone you when you try to be so good
They’ll stone you just like they said they would
They’ll stone you when you’re trying to go home
Then they’ll stone you when you live all alone
But I would not feel so all alone everybody must get stoned

~ Bob Dylan, 1966


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