i can usually think of a topic to blog about, today i'm just sitting here staring at the stupid cursor blinking on and off....
okay, let's jump in here, my garden is thriving, despite my windowbox, whose flowers on one side are profuse, flowers on the other side are spindly, all wave petunias, dunno whazzup with 'em. i have little tomatoes on the vines, my pepper plants are turning yellow, too much water i think, everything else is doing great.
it's hot, i'm housebound, don't want to face the heat and humidity today, maggie is snoozing in her bed on my computer desk. i think i'm just waiting out this surgery thing with her, which happens tuesday...
i'll be back later today, the nonsense will come, it always does....
Incubating and Hatching Chicks
16 hours ago
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