Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Setting Goals


I’ve never been one for New Year’s Resolutions. It’s just has never worked for me, but maybe there are alternatives.  My buddy, Ang, is setting a short term goal, she’s giving up seven foods for a month, coffee, tea, pizza, things she really likes, think of it as kind of a mini cleanse.

I’m making progress as well.  A couple of weeks ago, I decided to drastically cut my calories, even though I eat low carb, I need to shake it up a bit, so I’m eating 1000 calories daily through March 1st.  I’m determined to do this, it’s brutal, but it’s a sense of accomplishment to know that I’ve made the commitment and am sticking to it. I’m realistic, this isn’t sustainable long term, but it is doable for a few weeks.  

I realize I need extra calcium, but can’t remember to take it, I set a daily alarm on my phone as a reminder.  Just simple things, but sometimes I just don’t see beyond what’s in front of my face, and I’m really trying to make my life run smoother.  My short term memory is just kaput, as is most of my friends, so I'm really trying to implement workarounds so that I don’t forget.  Everybody says “make a list” and that’s a great idea, but not practical for everything. 

I’m on a mission to look for new goals, some of them just for one day.  Who knows, maybe some just for one hour.  I’m thinking that if I divide things I want to accomplish into small blocks of time instead of looking at the broader picture it will be more attainable.

So today, I’m setting a timer for fifteen minutes, I’m going to work on straightening my closet. Do I want to, of course not, I but I’m doing it.

So think about this ladies, it’s a good time of the year to accomplish some mini goals for yourself.  Maybe it’s something pleasurable, like sitting down and planning your spring garden, or starting some seeds like my friend Holly did.  Or maybe you’ve been putting off a doctor’s appointment, like I have been, I really need a visit to the optometrist for an eye exam, I’m going to just do it instead of procrastinating about it.

And that’s what’s happening in my world this morning,  and if I can plant a seed in just one of you, it’s worth the effort to blog about it. 

Make it a good day, ladies, I’m heading to the closet.  ~ Jan


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