Thursday, February 5, 2015

Abby's a member of the horsey set...

With every age, grandchildren are a delight, and none more so than last weekend when Abby competed in her first horse show.   She was simply amazing, this little girl on this huge horse.  She was so excited, no fear, no nervous tummy, she just wanted to “do it."

Here’s her day in pictures, Mom and Dad were so proud of her and Grammie and P-Pa were front row center, cheering her on...


Little brother, Ben, giving her a big hug before we left for the show...

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Her trainer from Windswept Farm, where she takes riding lessons, giving her instructions.

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Not only do the horses have to be prepped, so do the riders.  They’re gathering her hair up into a show bun.

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She looks darling, with her netting and sparkly barrette.


It’s time to attach her number and finish getting her ready.


All of the ladies from Windswept Farm love Miss A.  She has lots of help with the gloves.


It’s almost showtime, her trainer is giving her a leg up.


She’s checking her tack and making a few necessary adjustments to the stirrups for those short little legs.


And she’s off...


She controlled her horse so well, she was the youngest rider in the competition, riding without a lead line. You could just see the excitement in her face.  She walked, trotted, reversed her horse, it’s so shocking to see this little granddaughter do all of this.  When she came into the arena,  she came in at a gallop and Grammie’s heart was in her throat!


The judging is over and she is proud of placing.  She did so well, she’s only five years old.


This is our favorite photographer, the amazingly talented Adam Brennan, who volunteered to come and take pictures of her debut.  His photographs are below, the man has an amazing eye, and he had a wonderful little subject to work with.

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 And finally, here’s a small video of her as she leaves the practice area for the arena...



 It was such a special day, and I count my blessings that I live close enough to be able to share in the memories…  You’re just the best, Abby Leigh!  Grammie is so proud of you...



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