Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday morning topics...



I, along with the rest of the world am in awe of Diana Nyad.  It is simply unbelievable that she had the energy to accomplish swimming 110 miles in shark infested waters at sixty-four years old.   I don't have enough stamina to walk a mile, my friends and I are always bemoaning the fact that we have no energy, how does she do this????  Even with intense training for years, how could she do this?  It's simply amazing!  I love this picture of her as a young woman, and watched her this morning on GMA when she said that she didn't have the focus at that age that she has now.  Positively amazing, this woman...




And the leads for Fifty Shades of Grey have been announced, Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam.  I read the books, and by the third one I was absolutely bored out of my mind.  There are only so many ways you can have sex, and only so many times you can rehash it, it just wasn't my cup of tea, those books, even though most of my friends enjoyed them.  So I have no interest in this movie, I'll pass, even though the media is frenzied with anticipation.




And Katie Couric is engaged.  *yawn*.  Somehow it's just not that exciting when she's fifty-seven years old.  Will she wear white?  **meow**

And that's what I'm reading about this morning.  I'm a lot more intrigued by the human spirit than I am by the celebrities.  Aren't you???


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