Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dreaming of fall….



When I was a child, we visited orchards like this.  Mother's favorite apples were Winesap and Jonathan, and mine was and still is Yellow Delicious.  She would climb big old wooden ladders to pick the apples, and come home with bushel baskets heaped full. Then the real work began, she would  can fat slices covered in a sugar syrup,  bake big tubs of apple butter, spicy hot with cinnamon candy, and of course make the most wonderful apple pies laced with cinnamon and nutmeg, always baked in a lard pie crust.  I have such good memories of those times and pictures like this take me back.

But it's hotter than Haiti right now in Heavensville, we've been spoiled by  a lovely summer and now it is just horrendous outdoors.  Hubby and I are housebound, with the blinds closed, escaping the 97+ temperatures this weekend.

I thought earlier this month that fall was in the air, but it was just wishful thinking, but soon, very soon...


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