Monday, June 10, 2013

Who says you can't remove spilled wax from clothes...


I managed to spill candle wax all over the side of my coral capris last weekend.  Well, I also splashed it on the wall, but we're not going to address that.  Poor hubby will have to deal with it.

So, now I have candle wax all down the side of one leg, and I'm not a happy camper.  I go online read how to remove it, and gave it a try.  First I took a knife and scraped off as much of the wax as I could, somehow managing to do it without tearing a hole in the fabric.  Then I took a paper towel, and set my iron to medium, put the paper towel over the stain, and kept going over the paper towel with my iron so that the wax would absorb into the paper towel.  Finally, I poured alcohol over the stain and rubbed it in.

Into the washing machine it went, but first I rubbed it with detergent, and when I took it out the stain was gone.  I was really surprised, a I don't usually have good luck with this type of thing.

Now about that wall….


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