Saturday, June 22, 2013

It's all about the grandkids this week...



Ben, Abby's little brother, is ten months old now, cutting his first teeth, and is just adorable.  Abby went home today, I have a couple more posts to make about her, then it's back to business as usual.

I do all of these blogs about my grandchildren and tag each one with their name so that some day, when they are grown they will be able to look back at their childhood thru the eyes of Grammie and her blog.  I think it's a special gift I'm giving them.  So bear with me ladies, all the Grammie gushing will be over soon, pinky swear it will.

The house is quiet now, LC and I miss her so much, but she will come again.  She had a blast visiting us, I haven't laughed so much in years as I have this week, oh we had such fun with her...


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