Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dear Abby...



Today I would like to introduce you to Miss Abigail Leigh (wearing Grammie's glasses).  She graciously sat down for a question and answer session for The Daily Dish.

Grammie:   What is your favorite thing to do?  

Abby:  Play with my Dad

Grammie:  What games do you like to play?

Abby:  Horse, it's my very favorite.

Grammie:  What do you do at school?

Abby:  Ummmmm, I do stuff.

Grammie:  Who is your best friend and why?

Abby:  Chloe, because I like her, I give her a snuggle and a  kiss.

Grammie:  What is your favorite thing to do with mama?

Abby:  Ummmmm, I like for her to read to me.  My favorite book is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Grammie:  Who is your favorite dog?

Abby:  Izzie and Maggie because I like them so much.

Grammie:  Abby, what do you want to do when you grow up?

Abby:  I want to be a good drawer.

Grammie:  What is your very favorite thing to do with your brother?

Abby:  I like to play with him because he swings with me

Grammie:  What is your very favorite food?

Abby:  Big crackers, because I like them so much!

Grammie:  What food do you think is icky?

Abby:  Chicken, because I don't like it, it tastes funny.  Macaroni and cheese tastes funny, too.

Grammie:  Are you looking forward to going to the zoo tomorrow?

Abby:  Ya, I want to see a unicorn (oh-oh).

And that concludes our question and answer session.  She sat on my lap and informed me when I forgot to put a question mark at the end of my sentences, and reminded me to put Abby and Grammie at the beginning of each question and answer.  Oh, dear Abby...




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