Thursday, May 23, 2013

My latest obsession...


Okay, so I' ve been living under a rock.  I just never watch network television, ever.  But last week, my buddy, Ang, told me that Scandal was her all-time favorite television show and I had yet to  see it.

So, the first season was on Netflix, hubby and I queued it up and watched three episodes the first night, an episode last night, and no doubt we will finish the remaining three episodes this weekend and then watch newer episodes on the computer.  We're hooked, and he enjoys it as much as I do.

It is absolutely fantastic acting.  What a good show, lots of action for the guys, it's very fast paced, the cinematography reminds me a bit of Bourne Identity.  Olivia Pope has amazing clothes for the women, sex, intrigue, politics, all make for something we rarely see these days, good  television.  If you've missed this ABC show, give it a watch this weekend.  The weather in Heavensville is going to be cool, showers, a perfect weekend to catch more of this great series.


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