Tuesday, May 21, 2013

iPhones are a wonderful thing….

I'm so tired of people constantly bashing Apple.  Among other things, they say they are too propietary and they have lost their edge since Steve Jobs died.  Well, maybe they are too controlling, but that control isn't all bad, it results in a consistently good product!  I find the people that are most vocal  are the Android phone people, it's like they are the underdog and have a point to prove that their phones are better than Apple.  Now I have absolutely nothing against Android phones, they are wonderful, innovative pieces of technology, in many ways superior to iPhones, but they aren't for me.  I'm a diehard, died in the wool Apple fan girl, and what I'm showing you below is a perfect example of why.

John has an iPhone, as does Lindsay and they photo share with me.  I see far more pictures of my grandchildren then I ordinarily would, because you it's so easy to click and share pictures with our iPhones.  Since it's a native application built into the firmware instead of a third party app, it's lightening fast to share.  The pictures come to me, not only on my phone, but instantly to my iPad and my desktop iMac.

John has always had a Blackberry for business, but now has an iPhone, and for the first time, I'm getting vacation pictures in a steady stream.  I'm seeing their trip to Italy on a daily basis.  It's wonderful, it's like I'm along on their vacation with them, and when I don't talk to them, I still know all is well because I'm getting a constant feed of photos.

Here's a sample this morning, and a big thank you to Apple for making it so simple to quickly share pictures.

We're a total foodie family, so it's no surprise that he sends me a lot of photos of the local cuisine. 

IMG 0070

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IMG 0060


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