Monday, April 1, 2013

Oh, I am SO amazed by this child….

You all know that I’m a computer nerd who spends her days just playing, well and working, too, on the computer.  Abby has always loved to sit at my desktop and watch YouTube videos, it’s the big screen, I think, and the fact that she can sit up close to view everything.  I always wondered how long it would be before I could teach her how to actually use the computer, but it turns out I didn’t have to teach her at all, she figured it out for herself.

Imagine my surprise when she was watching Tom and Jerry,  grabbed my mouse and started moving it around, actually putting it on different videos.  I showed her how to left click and she was off to the races.  She figured out the hand/eye coordination immediately and I was just blown away.  She started clicking and going to different sites, and looked up at me and just beamed!  And of course, I just beamed right back and told her how smart she was.    Then she started mousing over my bottom dock, and pulled up FaceTime.   I’m now convinced, more than ever, that she is actually going to be the rocket scientist that we always thought Mandi was going to be.  (private joke)



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