Monday, April 1, 2013

Dem Grandbabies came for Easter….



We had such a wonderful Easter.  The whole family came, it was a cool Easter, but the sun came out and we were able to be outside.



Abby put on P-Pa’s favorite t-shirt and dyed Easter eggs.  It was a huge success, too.  She put on glitter and stickers, it was so much fun for her.



Abby’s all dressed up in her Easter bonnet, complete with Mary Jane shoes and ruffled socks.  Such a sweet little girl.


Ben is all smiles, he’s a happy, giggly, drooly little baby, and don’t you just love those bare feet .  He’s just precious at almost eight months.



The guy’s took Tootie’s hardtop off.  It goes on at Thanksgiving and comes off at Easter.  Little Miss Poser is having a great time pretending to drive.




Grammie and P-Pa got Abby a butterfly kite for Easter.  Is there anything cuter than a little girl and a dog, running through the sunshine.



The wind wasn’t cooperating, but Uncle John managed to get the kite in the sky and Abby loved it.  It’s a great kite, if anybody is interested in it for their grandkids, here’s the link.


Trisher came over and took a family picture for us.  We don’t do this often enough. 

And that was our Easter, I hope you all had a good one, too…


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