Friday, January 18, 2013

Okay, so I put on my big girl panties and got a flu shot...


This was a major step for yours truly.  Eighteen years ago, the year I got bacterial meningitis, was the only year I had ever gotten a flu shot.  I know it had nothing to do with the meningitis, but I've had a huge mental block about flu shots since, and understandably so. 

But this this year the flu is raging and I have been so leary of getting sick.  I've stayed home the past few weeks, only venturing out a few times, and it's ridiculous.  I blogged about getting the shot days ago, and I still didn't do it.  But we're going to be out this weekend, and next weekend, and hopefully next week, so I just sucked it up, went to the grocery store pharmacy and did it!

The pharmacist was administering the shot, and I'm telling him that I don't even feel it.  "It's because I haven't done it yet," he said. And then he says "damn."  It's a bit concerning when the pharmacist curses, and when I asked why, he said he was just frustrated because the plunger wouldn't go into my arm.  But then I felt a sting, and the deed was done!

But you know what, I had zero symptoms afterwards.  I didn't feel bad, my arm wasn't even sore, it was painless.  Had I not felt the sting, I would have sworn I didn't really get a shot.

And now I'm protected, well as much as I can be, so I'm going out and enjoy my life.

But I didn't get a sucker, and I think I should have!  He didn't even ask if I wanted one.  *sigh*      


  1. Damn pharmacists, LOL! J/ of my bff's is a pharmacist (but she'd NEVER be caught dead giving anyone an injection other than her cats or dog!). Hope it keeps you out of harm's way Jan; if I heard right, they said it was a perfect match for the strain of virus that's prevalent, which is different from previous seems like lots of times they don't get it quite right and everyone gets the flu anyway! I'm still being a chicken...


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