Monday, November 26, 2012

Our Family’s Thanksgiving in Pictures


This was the best turkey we’ve had in years.  The guys had two  meat probes in it, and I think that made the difference, they took it out at exactly the right time.


Thanksgiving at our house must include this broccoli casserole.  It’s Ryan’s favorite, he made a double batch, and as much as we all tease him about it, I have to admit, it was really good.


Deanna, in her cute little rooster apron, was happily making her favorite, cranberry sauce.



Thanksgiving dinner was so good, especially the Frozen Cranberry Fluff.  I’ll post the recipe later on Jan CAN Cook.


A little girl and a dog.  Oh my, Abby and Izzie have bonded.  They are great friends now, Abby throws the ball endlessly, and Izzie fetches endlessly.  She giggles, they romp, lots of kissing going on, with both of them.  Totally entertaining…


It was so warm Thanksgiving day, the family went for a long walk, well everybody but LC and I.  He watched football, I read, worked for us. ;o)


I think Uncle John was enjoying this more than Ben. 


And this, my birthday dinner.  I know you are all probably going, ewwwwww, but it’s goulash, Mom’s Goulash to be specific, a wonderful childhood favorite.  A puddle of mashed potatoes with hamburger, peppers, onions, red sauce and macaroni. And it was DELICIOUS!  You can’t go wrong with triple starches at a meal ;o)  Even the boys, who are a hard sell, liked it and said they would eat it again.  That’s major in our household…


Sweet family.  I would much rather post pictures of them than myself.  My pictures were bad, beyond belief! 


Okay, one picture, how can it be a bad picture with Abby on my lap.  We’re at the Rockettes Christmas Show.  Oh my, Abby loved it.  She sat on her P-Pa’s lap the entire two hours (minus a fifteen minute intermission) and she literally barely moved.  Every once in a while she would look over at me and say, “WOW, GRAMMIE, this is SO cool.”

It was her first live performance and we wondered if it would hold her attention, but it certainly did.  She had a blast.  I’m sure we’ll be doing this again and again with her.  Ben, too, in a few years. ;o)


We took this before we left for Opryland.  She was SO excited, can you tell…


Lindsay spends a lot of her time rocking and dipping with Ben in her arms.  He’s happiest when he’s on the move.


He’s changing so quickly, I managed to get a bit of a smile in this picture.  He’s a good baby now, well his parents might argue that point a bit, but he really is good most of the day.  He sits and goos at us, and makes us smile.  Oh, so, sweet…


Ahhhh, here’s what our little BenJammin does best.  He’s got that thumb sucking down. 


And sometimes, he sucks both thumbs at once.  Pure talent, says a proud Grammie…


I love this picture of LC and Abby.  P-Pa on his laptop, Abby on her iPad.


John was such a trooper.  He was fighting an ear infection the entire weekend, but it didn’t slow him down at all.


And finally, sometimes things don’t quite go as planned. Abby had clearly had enough of this whole picture taking, she was finished!

And so am I, until next Thanksgiving.  And thanks to all of you, for indulging me with my family pictures.  ~ jan


  1. I enjoyed looking at your pictures! The turkey dinner looked grand but the goulash - YUM YUM! I love my husband's goulash - not so much my mom's but still.....looks lovely! Happy Birtday, by the way! Your little Benjamin seems to be just a little younger than our grandchild, Rocket (well, that's his blog name). This was Rocket's first Thanksgiving and he enjoyed some mashed potatoes, and cheese from the mac N cheese - but did NOT enjoy cranberry sauce or sweet potatoes!


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