Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Garbage Disposal Died….


OH, NO!!!!!!!!!!!  I had a sink full of crap yesterday, turned on the disposal and all it did was hum.  So I dug all of the garbage out of the sink, thinking that was the problem, since I totally clogged it a couple of weeks ago, but oh no, I couldn’t be that lucky, it still hummed.

So I bring in the big dawg, hubby, who deemed it dead, Fred, however, he did have a workaround.  You turn it on, and while it’s humming you stick a wooden spoon down in the hole and like magic it starts grinding.

Well, this ain’t gonna fly in my house, sport fans, holy schmoly, can’t you just see me trying to stick that spoon down there to make the thing work.  That’s a disaster in the making.

So, he goes online, do we order it up using my super fast shipping awesome Amazon Prime account and receive it by Wednesday???  Oh no, he can get a better one on eBay, better price, and it’s quiet.  So okay, I can go for quiet, and I tell him to have at it.

The bad news, it won’t arrive until Friday (we hope).  The good news, I’ve only ground 1/4 of the handle on the wooden spoon so far.

Just didn’t need this problem this week, I just didn’t!


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