Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It’s that time of year, switching out my closet….

Now, this is a job I detest in the best of times. My mother had a saying for chores she dreaded, and it was “I’d rather take a lickin’ from a chicken” and I most certainly would rather take a “lickin from a chicken” than switch out my closet, especially this year!  I long for my closet in our last house, hubby took a bedroom, complete with window seat, and turned the entire room into this wonderful closet, tons of shelves and bins, a dressing table, a white ceiling fan, it was wonderful and we wallpapered it in this really wide girly pink and white striped wallpaper, it was pure heaven and I never had to switch out seasons. *sigh*  And even though he gave me the walk-in closet in our master bedroom in the condo, there is no way that it will hold all of the clothes that I never wear.

So he got my summer clothes out of the attic, and I painstakingly, and I do mean painstakingly went through them and sorted them into piles.  Here’s how it went…

I have this enormous pile of cute clothes,  I call it, “not a shot in hell!”

I have a large pile, I call it, “if I diet religiously until July and eat nothing except salad-in-a-jar with no dressing, I “might” be able to wear some of this crap.

And then there is this itty bitty puny pile that I call, “if I really, really suck it in and ignore the muffin top, don’t button my pants and never look at myself from behind, I can wear these butt ugly clothes.

Just another day in paradise….. ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

And did I ever mention how much I hate shopping for fat clothes?  Well, I do!!!!!!  So I won’t!  I’ll just stay in the house and wear caftans!  Long, flowy caftans, maybe  leopard ones, and I’ll wear turbans so I don’t have to straighten my hair.  Hey, it worked for Thelma Roper back in the 70’s, why won’t it work for me?

I’ll be sure and post pictures…


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