Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Bobbsey Twins at Home

When I was a little girl I loved The Bobbsey Twins. My favorites were "The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore" and "The Bobbsey Twins in the Country." I read my books over and over again when I was a child, I've loved to read my entire life.

Tonight I was messing around on my iPad and on a whim I Googled "the bobbseyntwins .epub" and right away this book popped up, I downloaded it and now I'm reading it, and I'm eight years old all over again. I can't help but wonder if Abby will enjoy these little stories or, belonging to this generation of children, will she be too sophisticated for these simple books. Time will tell, and you can bet that Grammie will do her darnedest to instill my love of reading the children's classics to my sweet little granddaughter.

Maybe I'll start picking them up on eBay now, and by the time she's old enough for them I'll have a big collection for her to chose from. Oh, would I have loved having more of these wonderful books when I was a little girl...

And who says you can't go back in time. Sure you can, you just have to be open to finding ways to experience life again through the eyes of your grandchild...





  1. Jan, I bet she'll love them! I remember when I was young and my grandma had a big set of storybooks (which I've tried like crazy to find on ebay (my mom sent them to my uncle who was a Franciscan priest in NM living and teaching on an Indian reservation for the kids there :( ) that had belonged to my dad and his siblings. I was FASCINATED by those stories (one was the Ice Queen) and the pictures....the quality of the pictures was magical! One of my other favorite books that I just loved was The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Reading is the most wonderful thing to pass on to anyone; it can take you ANYWHERE at anytime! Abby's such a lucky little girl to have you in her life!


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