Thursday, February 9, 2012

Salad In a Jar, 3 months later and still going strong…



I know you’re just dying to hear how my salad in a jar is progressing, umhmmm, sure you are, and if I’m sick of salad yet, and the answer is no!  I’m still as excited about it as I was in the beginning, sealing everything I can think of, and  still eating salad every single day for lunch.  Am I losing weight, no, but then I’m not gaining either. Maybe if I start eating it for dinner, too… **sigh**

I continue to tweak it, I no longer use the great big salad bowl and toss it together, now I chop on a big cutting board, fill the jars, and then use my salad shooter to slice a pile of carrots, add them to the top of the lettuce, dice some celery and add it on top of the carrots. This week I used a head of iceberg, a bundle of leaf lettuce, and canned it separately.  I’m dreaming of spring and using the leaf lettuce to make wilted lettuce salad with green onions and bacon.

Okay, I’ll shut up about it, until the next time. Smile with tongue out Have a nice day…

~ jan

Oh, I’m seriously thinking of making jam this spring, too.  Bet you all can’t wait to hear about that either… **wicked grin**

And that’s not dirt on the side of my refrigerator cabinet, it’s how they stained the wood, drives me crazy, too!  And my coffee maker isn’t dirty either, it’s camera glare.  Glad I cleared that up for all of you…


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