Friday, February 10, 2012

Obituaries are fascinating…

I’ve read them for years, you never know who you might see and even though I seldom know anyone, I’m astonished at the things people put in obituaries.  Often they show a woman’s high school senior picture, complete with the drape, and the woman is in her 80’s.  Or they show pictures of when they were young with a picture as they are now, that’s always interesting.  And I’m always fascinated by the men’s ears, it is true, they do grow longer as they get older.

This morning, they had a lulu in the Heavensville obits.  It was an attractive man, 63 years old, sad that he died that young, but anyway, the following sentence was included in his obituary.

“He enjoyed remodeling, shopping at Rural King, while enjoying the popcorn.”

While it’s funny, it’s also sad, surely they could have found something more worthwhile to say about the poor guy than this.  Jeez Louise, and I thought it was bad that I would want my dogs mentioned in my obituary.  Kidding, family, just kidding, well kinda ;o)


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